Sunday, February 9, 2014



Sometimes you are going along in your Christian walk and something catapaults you. Something shoots you forward. It elevates you.

For me, it was, “Not a Fan.” Man, I was handed that book at just the right time. It took me to a whole other level.

It lit a fire.

Warning: The opposite can be true as well. You can going along in your Christian walk and something hinders you. Something sets you back. It sinks you.

We’ve all been there and it is guy-wrenching. So, be on the lookout… for both! Both are opportunities to grow and both are lessons to be learned.

Ecclesiastes 3:1 says ” There is a time for everything and a season for every activity under the heavens.”

Whether it be something that lifts you up or something that brings you down, give thanks, praise, and love to God through these seasons. Because God has allowed it. Good or bad, nothing slips by without his say so.

May God’s Love be with you

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