Monday, February 17, 2014

John 3:16 Sign #God #Jesus #HolySpirit


Recently I was asked: What’s up with people at sporting events holding up a “John 3:16″ sign? To a Christian this verse is so fundamental that you assume everyone knows it, right? I mean, it’s only the most well known of all the scripture. But to some people, it may not be common knowledge. You would be surprised who doesn’t know what that sign even means!

So it goes like this:

You have one guy with a sign that says “DEFENSE” (sometimes two signs; one that is a “D” and the other that’s an actual little fence) and you have the one guy holding up a big-head cutout of the coach’s face or something. And then you see one guy with a curious little sign that reads, “John 3:16.” Is there a John on the team? Does he wear #316?

Of course not, the John in the sign refers to the Epistle of John in the Bible. And 3:16 are coordinates within that letter – third chapter and sixteenth verse. Which reads:

“For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have eternal life. (John 3:16 NASB)

Ok, but why? A professional football game hardly seems like the place to bring up religion.

Ask Tim Tebow. He famously wrote the verse on his black eye strips during games. You see, the Christian’s duty isn’t just to believe in Christ, it’s to share his faith. He is trying to spark your curiosity. Maybe you’ll write it down and look it up or ask your friend or something. Or he is trying to remind those who already know the verse. When else could he tell 80,000 people about Jesus (or if he gets on TV, millions!)

Why John 3:16?

If the Bible could be summed up in one verse, it would be John 3:16. It is the entire Christian faith in a nutshell. This guy is trying to get the most out of the little time he has. If I could only point someone to one verse, it would be John 3:16.

I assume I am writing to mainly Christians… but if I am not, and you always wondered what that sign meant, I hope you now have a better idea. Now, I’ve never gone to a game with a John 3:16 sign, but I’m not against them. If you are going to put up a sign for the whole world to see, why not one about God’s love for mankind? Sounds better than, “Go Team” to me!

May God’s Love be with you

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