Friday, October 25, 2013

Keep Her Safe

"This will not hurt your dog. Using these steps, you can keep her safe." said Joe as he described his dog obedience techniques. He also said something curious: "I can tell she loves you, but she doesn't respect you. Respect is how you're going to keep her safe."
Anyone who's met my labrador retriever, Annie can attest to her... energy. I say we misnamed her: Godzilla would've been more appropriate. Anyways, what Joe said made sense. She didn't respect me and that could lead to her getting hurt or worse, killed.
It's the same with God: the only way He can keep us safe is if we respect Him. If we do not listen to his commands, we are putting ourselves in harm's way. Just as much as I would never want anything bad to happen to my dog, God only wants to take care of us. If only we would settle down and listen for once!
He's not trying to limit us, He's trying to set us free!
God bless!

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