Thursday, October 31, 2013

The Stars Are Out Tonight

Every night at around 10 o'clock, I let my dog out for one last time. The first thing I do is look up to the sky and see if "the stars are out." I'll tell my wife, "Man, the stars are really out tonight!" or "No stars out tonight!" Now, I know full well that the stars are not precarious things that are sometimes there and sometimes hiding. It's just that on certain nights, I cannot see them. I can thank Miss Grewe at East Dale Elementary for that.
There are times when you feel like God is not there. Saint John of the Cross called it "The Dark Night of The Soul." You walk out into that night and there are no stars. The sky is black. Your gut sinks as you peer into the cold vast nothing. You are unprotected, alone and forgotten.
God has gone out of His way to let you know how ridiculous that is: Deut 31:8, Heb. 13:5, Joshua 1:9, Phil. 4:6-7, and Psa. 55:22 just to name a few. Over and over He tells us we are not alone, He will never forsake us and He protects His children. So when your flesh is weak and when your heart fails, remember - God is there, He has not left you and He alone can get you where He needs you to be.
The stars are ALWAYS out there, it's just sometimes you can't see them.
God Bless!

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