Wednesday, October 23, 2013

No Longer Orphans

The Human condition leaves many people feeling disconnected, isolated and forgotten. "Who cares about me? What does any of this mean?" A.W. Tozer called it "cosmic orphanage*."
This feeling couldn't be further from the truth. John 1:12 tells us that anyone who "even believes in His (Jesus) name" is now a Child of The King! God gives you that right!
To be a child is to join in the inheritance of the Father. We are co-heirs with Christ! (Romans 8:17) Not just conquerors, but MORE than conquerors! Romans 8:37)
So forget this disconnected, isolated and forgotten nonsense. You are no longer outside the Father's house in the cold, alone and naked. The Father welcomes you in. Take that human condition and kick it out the door. Claim your right! God bless!
Listen to: Hello, My Name Is - Matthew West
*Mornings with Tozer Daily Devotional

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