Monday, October 21, 2013

Sides of the Same Coin

A.W. Tozer said Faith and Prayer are two sides of the same coin. They are inseparable!* A faithful Christian prays. A prayful Christian has faith. I guess you can pray without faith and you can have faith and not pray, but that's not the most effective way to deflect the enemies arrows.
James tells us if we don't have something, it's because we haven't asked for it (4:3). We are also told to pray without stopping (1 Thes. 5:17). Brittany's Mom made a good point on this very subject the other day: the question isn't "Are you praying?" It is "Why have you stopped praying?"
According to Tozer, it doesn't take much wisdom to know our next move: Pray, pray, and pray!
God Bless!
*Mornings with Tozer, Daily Devotional Readings

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