Thursday, November 7, 2013

A Beautiful Walk

I don't have any money. But what I do have, I'll give to you.*
Peter said this to the lame beggar at the gate of the temple called Beautiful. The man had been handicap since birth. Every morning he was carried and set down at the gate where he would beg. This was his life.
One morning, He saw Peter and John pass by and asked to recieve alms. Peter stared him down, "Look at us!" The beggar got excited. He thought he was going to get some money! "I do not possess silver and gold, but what I do have I give to you: in the name of Jesus Christ the Nazarene - WALK!" In an instant his legs were strengthened and with a LEAP, the lame man walked. I imagine he probably did more than walk too. I don't have any scripture to back this up, but I figure he most likely moonwalked.
Sometimes we ask God for something and He gives us something else. If God gives you something else, you can bank on that something else being much much better.
Sure, some extra money would've helped this man. No doubt about it. But God, through Peter, gave the lame man something far greater than he could have ever imagined: a new life! God is in the business of making things new and better.
One last thought: Could any other name have healed that man? In the name of Moses! No. In the name of Abraham! Nothing. In the name of Caesar! Give me a break. Only the name of Jesus Christ, Son of the Living God has power. Just the name, folks! No other name EVER could done one little thing to help that man.
Be on the look out. If you ask God for something. He may surprise you with something... else. Something Beautiful.
God bless!
*Acts 3:1-10

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