Tuesday, November 5, 2013

To Love is To Fight

We've all heard the phrase, "I'm a Lover, not a Fighter." Well, the two are not exclusive. If you are a Lover, you have to Fight. You have to Fight Fear. You have to Fight the urge to be Selfish. You have to Fight against Greed, Sloth, and Envy. You have to Fight for what you Love.
It seems like Loving would be easier than Fighting, doesn't it? However, when you really think about it: Loving is way harder. Fighting doesn't require anything of itself. It doesn't demand Sacrifice or Self-Discipline. Fighting doesn't ask any questions. Fighting is survival mode. Fighting is indiscriminate. Get out of my way or pay. Fighting is way easier than Loving.
I Cor. 13:13 tells us the most important things. Faith. Hope. And Love. But the greatest of these is Love. 1 John 4:8 tells us that if you do not Love, you do not know God, because God is Love.
It's easy to Love what is easy to Love. It's easy to Love your wife or husband. It's easy to Love your kids. Try Loving someone who's wronged you. Try Loving someone who opposes you. Fighting them would be so much easier.
Many feel as if God does not Love them. Then answer me this: why did He send His Son? It was the only thing that could save what He Loved so much. The easier thing would've been to Fight us. Instead, He fought FOR us.
God bless!

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