Monday, November 11, 2013

Rend Your Heart

When people wanted to show grief and repentance in the Old Testament, they "rended" their clothes. In other words, they ripped and tore their shirts. This was the ultimate sign of deep grief in their society. Some rended their clothes but they didn't really mean it. It was all for show.

We haven't changed that much over the years, have we? I mean, we don't shred our clothes when we are sorry, but sometimes we act like we are sorry when we really are not. I've told someone I was sorry but in my heart, I wasn't. It was all for show. Who hasn't?

The prophet Joel was trying to warn the Israelites of this same situation. The people had grown prosperous and we're relying less and less on God. When they did repent, it was an outward display meant to impress their friends. It was false. Joel told them to "rend their hearts" instead (2:13).

That line floored me: "Rend your heart, not your garments. Return to The Lord"

God is never fooled by lip service. He cuts straight through the nonsense. He knows whether you mean what you say or not. He knows when you are putting on a show,

If God has convicted you of some matter, tear your heart and offer yourself genuine and true. Don't waste your time with a song and dance. God's not interested in charades.

Know that I am speaking to my own heart as much or more than to yours and what I write, I write in love. Let us be more real with God. He's always real with us.

God bless. 

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