Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Even Now

Two of the most beautiful words in the Bible are: "Even now." The prophet Joel (2:12) uses this phrase when addressing the Old Testament Israelites. He's starts describing the impending judgement coming to all mankind. You know the drill: The earth shakes. The sun and moon darken. The stars dim. It is a great and terrible day and who can endure it? It is "The day of The Lord." The End of the whole sha-bang.

And what is God's personal message to mankind at that moment? It's still not too late! Return to me!

He will take you up until the last possible nanosecond! Even as the chapter closes, even as the last letter is typed: He will take you!

Every day is another chance to return to God. Every hour is another gift. Every second is another opportunity.

Of course this also means that:

Every day is another day closer. Every hour is another hour closer. Every second is another second closer to "The day of The Lord." After that, there will be no more calling and pleading to return. After that, it will be over and done. After that, there will not be a "even now."

Time will be out. The End. For real.

Do not hesitate, return today!

God Bless!

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