Thursday, November 21, 2013

Be The Moon

Sometimes I think I should've become an Astronomer. I love to look at the sky. I love the clouds in the day. I love the stars at night. God's vast creation never ceases to move me.
I also love to look at the moon. Sometimes the moon can be so bright that it lights up the whole night. Especially a full moon... which (fun fact) in November is called the Beaver Moon.* You might even think, "Wow! The moon is bright tonight!"
But the moon is not creating that light by itself. It is reflecting the light of the sun. On it's own, the moon could never produce any light... ever. On it's own, the moon is just a cold rock floating aimlessly in space. In fact, the only way we can even SEE the moon is because of the sun.
In 2 Cor 3:18, Paul addresses the modern Christian. "We all who contemplate the Lord's glory are being transformed into His image with ever-increasing glory..." We are to reflect Christ "as in a mirror."
Close your eyes and think about that for a minute: We are to reflect Christ. (Seriously. Stop. Close your eyes. Think about that for a minute.)
Just as the moon reflects the sun, we are to reflect the Son! When people look at you, they are supposed to see Christ. We transform and radiant God's warmth, love and compassion. When Moses saw God, he glowed. His face shone so much that he was forced to shroud himself so he wouldn't scare people. And Moses only saw a glimpse of God's back! (Exd. 34:29-35). 
That is why it is said: Wake up, sleeper, rise from the dead, and Christ will shine on you. (Eph. 5:14)
Not to sound too corny, but: Wake up and Shine! BE THE MOON!
God Bless!
*Farmers' Almanac

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