Friday, November 22, 2013

Spoiler Alert!

We love a good twist, don't we? Don't you hate it when someone tells you the ending first? "Ahhhh! Don't tell me! I want to find out for myself!"

I'm big on keeping the lid on spoilers. So, I cannot with a clear conscience allow you to read on without the following disclaimer: The next sentences are classic twist endings... of REALLY OLD MOVIES.

There, I feel better. Proceed...

It's a cookbook.
Rosebud's a sled.
Ape City is actually Earth.
Bruce Willis was dead.
Verbal Kint is... ah, I can't do that one.

I'm going to go ahead and give you the SPOILER OF ALL SPOILERS. I'm going to give you The End. The for real END. The end of it all. The end of the end.

Ready? Here goes: God wins. The enemy is defeated.

There are no surprises. The devil doesn't pull a fast-one on God at the last second. Jesus reigns supreme. This old world bows and every tongue confesses that Jesus Christ is Lord. Sorry to ruin it for you, if you didn't already know. We don't know when, of course, but's that's what's ultimately going to happen.

We are so lucky. And by lucky, I mean fortunate. We are so fortunate to have, as Paul Harvey would say: "the rest of the story." When all the prophets were around, they didn't know what we know today. They'll be like: "What was it like to live knowing all the answers? You had all the mysteries right there at your fingertips? I mean, they were collected, printed neatly, and pocket-sized?! You knew the beginning, middle, and end: how cool was that? You had the Holy Spirit? Wow, man. You were so lucky!"

With this knowledge, fear should melt away. With this knowledge worry should disappear. We know the ending. There are only two sides: God's and Not God's. There can be only one winner and we know which side wins! Are you on the winning side or the losing side?

It couldn't be more simple.

God Bless!
#theendoftheend #JesusReigns

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