Monday, November 18, 2013

Facebook Fast

How often do you check Facebook or Twitter? I know I check it a lot throughout the day. It’s not what I would call a problem or anything. It’s not like “I GOTTA CHECK IT!!” It’s more like, “I’m bored, got a few minutes. Pop on over and see what’s going on.” What if we did that with reading God’s word?
I’m not saying cold-turkeying Facebook. I’m saying: what if we threw in a little scripture too.
I propose a trial: Let’s see what happens when, instead of checking the page, we check The Word. When you want to check your Facebook, read a couple of verses instead. Then go on over to Facebook. That’s not too bad, is it?
What you will need is an accountability partner. So find someone who will help you honest. Left to our own devices, we will cheat. Get someone to ask you: “I saw the pic you posted, did you balance that with some Psalms?”
There’s no denying that time spent with The Lord is better than time spent… with everyone’s everyday minutia, right? So, let’s put feet to that belief and dig into the Word this week. God’s word is more interesting than mine or your neighbors or your cousins. I bet you see yourself wanting to read more! The Bible is like that! It’s alive and contagious.
Good luck this week, let me know how it goes and God bless!

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