Friday, November 8, 2013

Be Uzziah and Do Not Be Uzziah

Anyone remember Uzziah?

2 Chronicles 26. Wow, what an astonishing chapter!

Uzziah was only 16 years old when he was made king of Judah. Imagine following a 16 year old king into battle! Yet, under his 52-year rule the kingdom saw a rebirth that hadn't happened since Solomon. His fame grew. They knew his name in Egypt. His power grew. All because he "did that which was right in the sight of The Lord" and because he "was greatly helped."

"Greatly helped." I love that phrase. Aren't we all? Without the help of The Lord, what could any of us accomplish?

Let me give you the Uzziah highlight reel:

He went out and "made war with the Philistines." He didn't just react to a people that hated God, he picked a fight with them! He built tower after tower after tower. He designed sheilds, helmets and body armor. It says "he made engines of war." Terminators? Robocops? I don't know, but whatever it was, it crushed his enemies. He was a skilled farmer and "loved the soil." This was an incredible man!

It says Uzziah was "marvelously helped..."

It would be great if the story ended there, unfortunatley, it does not.

It says Uzziah was "marvelously helped... until he was strong. For when he became strong, his heart was so proud that he acted corruptly and was unfaithful to The Lord, his God."

Uzziah entered the temple and tried to burn the incense only the priests were supposed to burn. You see, you cannot do everything yourself. Some things are meant to be done by others. The priest (shockingly) stood up to Uzziah (of course he did have 80 other priests backing him up). Azariah the priest said, "It is not for you to do this." Uzziah could've have said, "You are right. I am sorry. Forgive me, Lord!" and oh, what a king that would've been. But instead scripture says Uzziah "was enraged." Immediatley, he was struck with leprosy. He was therefore forced to live the rest of his days seperated from everyone and his rule went to his son, Jotham.

My mom would say he "got too big for his britches." Uzziah is the king of If Only. If only he would have done this. If only he would have done that. Try your hardest to not be an If Only kind of person!

When we think things are going great and it's because of all OUR hard work, then we need to step back and say: Forgive me Lord, all the glory goes to You! For without You, I can do nothing. What was I thinking Lord? You are everything!

Be Uzziah in the sense that through a humble servant, God can accomplish marvelous works. Do not be Uzziah in the sense that remember who it is that's really in charge.

Never forget that we are all "greatly helped." And thank God for that!

Sorry this got a little long in the tooth. This message was gleaned from Matt Chandler's message @

God bless!
#HeartOfDavid #notafan

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