Saturday, November 9, 2013

God Is Like That!

Britt and I had to go to Lowe's to get some things to work on the house. While we were out, I stopped at the pet store to get Annie (our troublesome labrador retriever) a new Kong (a tough red rubber toy that you can put peanut butter into) because she had all but eaten her old one. At this particular pet store, they have these gourmet dog treats that actually look like donuts. I can never pass them up.
I get back to the car and Britt looks through the bag.
"Couldn't resist, could you?"
"Of course not. She loves these!"
Britt laughs and says, "God is like that. Even though Annie doesn't deserve that treat, you still think to get her something. In fact, she's been pretty extra bad lately and you still want to give her a gift. God is like that with us."
Even though man disappoints God more than he pleases Him, God blesses. Man drops the ball time and time again and God continues to bless.
I can just see God saying with a big grin, "Pat's doesn't really deserve this, but I can't resist. I love him too much. I'm going to bless him anyways. He'll love this." 
Thank God I have such a brilliant wife. Her servant's heart is contagious. God knew what He was doing when He planned us. There's another blessing I didn't deserve. But God blessed me with it anyways.
Psa. 36:5-8
God Bless!

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