Tuesday, December 31, 2013

A Man Named Philip

There was a man named Philip… not the Apostle Philip, but another Philip,… who treated an audience of thousands and an audience of one with the same zeal. A man who did not discriminate between race and class. A man who was miraculously transported across the land. He was a man who, no doubt, inspired countless missionaries with his wisdom and compassion.
Let’s take a second and remember Philip.
In Acts 6, the early church has just gotten started. Now, you would assume that it was perfect, right? However, it had problems just like today’s churches do. The conflict in this instance was that certain widows were being overlooked with the food distribution.
So they appointed seven men to handle the food. The qualifications for these deacons were: they had to be full of the Spirit and full of wisdom. Philip was one of the seven chosen. Therefore, we know that Philip was respected as being full of the Spirit and wisdom.
The next time Philip is mentioned is in Acts 8:5-40.
Here is where it gets really interesting!
The early leaders were commissioned with spreading the Gospel outside of Jerusalem. Philip is spreading it in Samaria. Why is that significant? Well, the Jewish people held the Samaritans as “half-breeds” and therefore hated them. Philip’s example demonstrates that the Good News is for everyone, regardless of class or color. Hatred, bigotry, and ignorance have no place in spreading the Good News of our Savior!
Now, skip down to verse 26.
Philip is approached by an angel and told to go to Ethiopia. On that road he runs into an Ethiopian eunuch who is reading the Book of Isaiah. The eunuch was having a hard time deciphering it. Starting there, Philip begins preaching the about Jesus.
Philip baptizes him and is “taken away.” He then “appears” many miles away. Did he fly? Was he teleported? Who knows, but anything is possible! There’s nothing that the Spirit of the Lord cannot accomplish!
So what can we glean from the life of Philip? What can’t we?!
• He was full of the Spirit and wisdom.
• He did not discriminate who could and could not hear the Gospel.
• He also could share his witness with a whole nation or a single person because both are equally important.
What a great example. Take some time to meditate on Philip and his admirable characteristics. How can you apply these to your walk?
God bless!

Picture Jesus As

Try picturing Jesus as:
With one hand He is holding yours and with His other hand, He is clearing your path.
One of the most beloved of David’s poetry is Psalms 23. It describes God as the caring Shepherd and the dependable Guide.
He leads us beside quiet waters and refreshes our soul. With one hand He gently guides us along the right path and with the other, he makes a banquet. Even as enemies approach, we have nothing to fear for God is with us.
By allowing Jesus to guide us, we trail in His goodness and love and we dwell in His house forever.
How beautiful.
How simple.
How could you refuse Him?
God bless!

The LORD Sits

For our honeymoon my wife and I were blessed with a trip to Paris. While we were there, we visited the Palace of Versailles. Once the center of political power, Versailles is now France’s foremost tourist attraction. Besides it’s sheer grandeur, one thing stuck with me about that palace: the thrones.
It is there that I learned what a throne represents. I mean, of course I knew that a throne represented power. It is obvious that to have people come to you is a demonstration of power. But, it is absolute power to have people come to you as you remain seated.
Ever thought of that before?
The Throne of God is mentioned several times throughout scripture. I won’t bombard you with all of them. Most famously it is described by Ezekiel (chapter 1). I’d like to mention also that the angel Gabriel refers to the Throne of God in Luke 1:32-33 because… he should know, he’s been there. He’s actually seen it!
God is mentioned as “sitting” multiple times as well.
• “The LORD sits enthroned over the flood; the LORD is enthroned as King forever.” – Psalms 29:10
• “He that sits in the heavens laughs” (at the futile efforts of man’s rebellion) – Psalms 2:4
• “Who is like the LORD our God, the One who sits enthroned on high?” – Psalms 113:5
Sitting on His Throne, God is The Absolute Power. He is the Power of the Power. There is none above and all below. Yet, He makes Himself low to guide and love His fragile creation.
In your quiet time with the LORD today, reflect on our God’s astounding ability to speak stars into being and also whisper encouragement to His children all in the same all-powerful breath. He does so with perfect love from His magnificent Throne.
God Bless!

Victorious Limp

Are you wrestling with God over something? Who isn't, right? Did you know that someone actually did wrestle with God? And I don't mean "wrestle" metaphorically either. I'm talking literally. God wrestled Jacob in a straight-up, hand-to-hand wrestling match. The first-ever Smack Down occurred in Genesis 32:24-32.
In fact, God wrestled Jacob all night. They wrestled until daybreak and when God saw that He had not prevailed against Jacob, He touched Jacob's thigh and dislocated it. Just a touch. That's all it took. This showed that obviously God could've won at any moment. As dawn was breaking, God said, "Let Me go." No one can see God's face and live. But Jacob replied, "No. Not until You bless me." Ha! Imagine that! The gumption of this guy! God then (I envision with a smile on His face) changes Jacob's name to "Israel" which means, "he who wrestles/strives with God."
Why did God do that? If He wanted to challenge Jacob, He could've picked any kind of contest: a race, a riddle, or tic-tac-toe. Why wrestling? Well, any of those other contests are not interactive. They keep contestants separate. Wrestling is more intimate. God picked an activity that involved actual physical contact.
I'm not sure, but I figure Jacob had that limp for the rest of his days. I also imagine that he limped proudly. It became his badge of courage, his price for a blessing, and his evidence of a God that loves him.
We all wrestle with God, maybe not physically like Jacob here, but spiritually? You bet. All the time. It's the "old man" in us rising up. It's the rebellious tickle in our ear. Envy. Pride. Gluttony. Pick one. But here's the thing, God will wrestle you right back. He will step into the ring. He wants to bless you.
Wrestling with God, however, does come with a price. You may carry a limp for the rest of your days. But you won't view that hurt as loss. You will view that hurt as victory. You will want to tell everyone about your limp and what it means to you. You will want to tell everyone how much God loves you and how much God loves them.
God bless!
This post owes a lot to Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones's "Victorious Limp" via Tim Keller's "The Theology of the Cross and Walking with a Limp," I encourage everyone to check out these incredible links!

Friday, December 27, 2013

Let Go and Let God

Well, I've done everything I can do. Nothing left for me to do but pray, I guess.
Ever hear that? Ever say that? To be honest, I have. I've thought and/or said that very same thing myself many times.
Psalms 55:22 says "Cast your cares on the LORD and He will sustain you; He will never let the righteous be shaken."
My wife said something the other day that really struck a chord with me, "Let Go and Let God!" How simple. How true.
But, how difficult!
Let Go
Let GOD!
Give God the reigns of your life. He is a much better driver anyways. Letting go is hard for us humans, isn't it? We have to be in control of everything. It's almost as if we're admitting defeat if we let someone else take over. If someone is more qualified, then why not? And if anyone is more qualified, it's the LORD. Why is this such a struggle?! It's OK to let God in. It's OK to let Him be the deciding factor.
Allowing God full access to your life doesn't mean you will be without hardship. In fact, we are almost guaranteed it. The more the world senses you are a Child of The King, the more it will hate you. The more it will sniff you out. The more it will try to crush you. "If the world hates you, keep in mind that it hated me first." John 15:18. "You will be hated because of me" Matt. 10:22. So, be ready.
Think of it this way, Jesus was the first to say Let go and let God! He prayed the hardest prayer: "Father, if You are willing, take this cup from Me; yet not My will, but Yours be done." Luke 22:42
Submission to the Father is scary but it's the only thing that leads to ultimate peace and joy. John 16:33 says it all. Look it up. Memorize it. Live it.
Let go and let God! God Bless!
#LetGoAndLetGod #YHWH

Thursday, December 26, 2013

You Remain The Same

Sometimes I’m irritable.
Other times I’m patient.
But I’m hardly ever consistent.

Hebrews 1:12 tells us that God “remains the same.” That could be bad if God were capricious or unreasonable. But here’s the thing – He’s not.

He’s constantly and reliably good. He is Love and love always loves. The fact that He’s “the same yesterday, today and forever” (Heb. 13:8) should give us great comfort. It means He will always hold us, catch us, save us and forgive us… even when we least deserve it.

May you experience God’s steadfastness today!

God bless!

via WordPress http://mrpatvincent.com/2013/12/26/you-remain-the-same/

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Exposed By The Light

Eph. 5:13
Exterior Photography 101:
If the sun’s at your back, your subject will turn out dark. Flip the composition around, and the subject is exposed.

Similarly, if we keep THE SON at our backs, we will be in darkness, but put THE SON in front of you then your pathway will be illuminated.

Eph. 5:13 tells us everything exposed by the light becomes visible. Don’t you want a visible path?

May you bathe in the light of THE SON today!

God Bless!

via WordPress http://mrpatvincent.com/2013/12/24/exposed-by-the-light-jesus-thesonofgod/

Exposed By The Light

Exterior Photography 101:
If the sun’s at your back, your subject will turn out dark. Flip the composition around, and the subject is exposed.

Similarly, if we keep THE SON at our backs, we will be in darkness, but put THE SON in front of you and your pathway will be illuminated. Eph. 5:13 tells us everything exposed by the light becomes visible.

Don’t you want a visible path? May you bathe in the light of THE SON today!

God Bless!

Monday, December 23, 2013


Have you ever been boogie boarding, riding the waves and having a good old time at the beach and then you look at the shore and see that the current has pushed you far away from your towel? You didn’t even realize it, but you were drifting away!
Hebrews 2:1 warns against “drifting."
We get so wrapped up in our lives and before we know it - we’re a long ways from our towel! Be diligent, keep your focus on Jesus!
God bless you!

Where Else?

Jesus had just started gaining followers when He dropped the bomb: He was sent by His Father and His Father was God.
Many “withdrew.” Jesus turns to His 12 and asks if they would also leave. Peter replies, “To whom shall we go?”
I’ve been thinking about that answer. Where else would I go?
I choose where I go. You choose where you go. The people who left Jesus, decided on their own. Jesus did not kick them out.
You are either walking with Jesus or you are not. There is no third path. If you are not walking with Jesus, where are you going?
God bless!

2 Minute Dynamite

Can you spare 2 minutes? Who doesn't have 2 measly minutes?
That's all it takes to read Romans 12. And let me tell you: this chapter is straight up dynamite! Every single line is perfect for meditation. Some highlights:
• Appropriately, it starts out with a fuse: Present your bodies as a living & holy sacrifice (Let that one burn. You could contemplate on that all day!)
• Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by renewing your mind!
• Don’t think too highly of yourself.
• We are parts of the same body and as such have different roles.
• Hate what is evil / Cling to what is good.
• Be devoted to each other.
• If someone comes after you, bless them!
• Try your best to be at peace with all men.
• Leave room for God’s wrath to clean up the trash.
So, do your soul a favor and take 2 tiny minutes to dive into this explosive chapter! I hope that you do. Here, I'll even make it easy for you: biblegateway.com
Arm yourselves with the God's Word. This TNT could be your weapon in the spiritual war raging all around you today!

Friday, December 20, 2013

Continuing Debt To Love

Love is a debt. Wait, I owe you love?!
Paul tells us in Romans 13:8 that we have an outstanding “debt” to love one another. I’m not indebted to love you, am I? One loves because one loves, right?
Is Paul being unreasonable?
Like everything else in scripture, look to Christ. Whenever in doubt, the answer is Jesus. Always.
Our Savior lavished us with such a gushing, pouring, drenching, and FLOODING love that it could never possibly be duplicated. It could never possibly be repaid. In fact, the only way to even scratch the surface of His tremendous love is to look out for one another. That’s it.
We are not instructed to do some incredible feat. We are just asked to show simple kindness to people who are in the same boat as ourselves. We are commanded to show our fellow man just an inkling of the likeness of Jesus. Our job as Christians is to point people to Christ. Then the Holy Spirit steps in. That's it.
If Jesus felt it important enough to give his life for others, the least we can do is honor that great sacrifice by showing others that we care for them.
In this, we remind people. We remind them that Jesus lives, that He loves them, and that He loves us. How could He not? After all, He is love.
Thank you, Jesus for showing us what love is and how to love!
So, yes - I owe you love. You owe me love. We owe love to each other. It's a debt neither one of us can repay. We are always in hock.
I love you. Put it on my tab.
God bless!
#Love #LoveOneAnother #DebtToLove

Thursday, December 19, 2013

The LORD Will Fight

I get tired.
Far too often the struggle gets the best of me.
I'm so human and humans are weak and flawed. However, there is someone we can turn to who is not weak and who is not flawed. Exodus 14:14 tells us that the "LORD" will fight for us. When you see the Lord written in all caps like that, it means YHWH; the one true Creator God. It's refering to the God through which all things are. (Thanks to Rev. Dr. David Cyphers for that explanation.)
If the Author of the Universe will fight for us, let's let him. God has never, nor never will fail and He won't fail you.
God Bless!
#YHWH #AuthorofSalvation #GodMyRock #GodMyStrength #GodMyShield

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Just Add Water

You can live without food for 3 weeks, but take away your water and you can last only 3 days. 65% of our body is made of water. Try growing something without water and see how that goes for you!
It's easy to see that water is essential for anything to survive. Our spiritual well-being is no different
John 7:38 tells us that rivers of living water will flow from the heart of whoever believes in Jesus. Rivers! How refreshing does that sound?
If you are thirsty, all you have to do is drink.
God Bless!

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

The View From The Valley

I am not the wise man on the mountaintop dispensing knowledge. Far from it! I am the exhausted guy caked in dirt trying desperately to climb that very mountain as it repeatedly kicks my sorry butt back down to the valley. I am in the trenches, just like you.

The height of the mountaintop is measured by the dismal drudgery of the valley, but it is in the valley that we have to live for the glory of God (Oswald Chambers). When you are on the mountain you can believe anything. But in the valley, you only have Jesus to get you out!

Pray with me Mark 9:22 - "If you can do anything, have compassion on us and help us!"

God bless!
#walkthroughthevalley #JesusSaves

Monday, December 16, 2013

Our Real Boss

Work is work, right? Or they would call it play. Everyone has something they would change about their job. In Col. 3:23 Paul tells us that as Christians, we are not working for our bosses, we are working "as for the Lord."

We are to work with good cheer.

Hey, at least you have a job that you don't like. Many Americans would love to have a job... that they would not like.

Bosses, you are not off the hook either. There is plenty of scripture about treating your employees well (Eph. 6:9).

God bless!

Stand Firm On God's Word

While running the other day, I got an image stuck in my head. It was of myself trying to balance on a big heap of flimsy mishapen boxes. The heap was teetering this way and that. Inevitably, it toppled and I fell.

2 Thes. 2:15 tells us to “stand firm” on God’s word.

I can stack all my achievements and knowledge as high as it will go, but it will never hold me. Jesus is the only foundation I can trust. He is unmoving, solid and forever sure.

Why stand on anything less?

God bless!

#standingonthepromises #foundation #run #runningchristian

Read Something Else

By the time you’re done reading this sentence, you may feel convicted. Leave this page and go to the real page. Read something worth reading today.
All the rest of this stuff is just filler.
Get into The Word today!
You can read 1 John in three minutes. I’ll time you. Go!
God Bless!

Thursday, December 12, 2013

How to not be disappointed

How to not be disappointed:
In Romans 9:33, Paul says there will be a rock that will trip some people. However, people who believe in that same rock will not be disappointed. The rock here is obviously Jesus.
I found it strange to think of Jesus as something negative: a stumbling block? Offensive? I don’t think so! Jesus is my Cornerstone! He is my Foundation! He helps me stand up! He does not cause me to fall down. However, it is all contigent on my hope in Him, on my belief in Him, and my love of Him.
Those who do not believe in Jesus will trip over him. Then it is negative. They will be offended by him.
Have you ever been in a conversation that was going just fine and then you mention Jesus, or God,… or heaven forbid: the Holy Spirit? That will put the brakes on any conversation quick and in a hurry. Suddenly it becomes awkward. The air is let out and people get claustrophobic. People get uncomfortable. Why is that? We can talk about everything under the sun, except The Son. Non-Christians don’t mind talking to Christians about non-Christians things. So why do Christians tiptoe around non-Christians?
Anyone who puts their faith in the Rock of Zion will “not be disappointed.” They will not be let down, wahsed out or discouraged. Instead, they will be vindicated. They will be comforted, blessed, and delighted. Paul was quoting Isaiah. Now there’s a man who knew a thing or two about society’s trepidation regarding Jesus! I’m sure he had numerous conversations that went sour. I’m sure he was on the business end of many eye rolls and people nervously staring at their sandals.
I’m also 100% sure that he was not in the least bit disappointed about any of it.
God bless.
#stumblingblock #believe #therock #Jesus #firmfoundation

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

worrier vs. WARRIOR

We inherited the word “worry” from the Old English, “wyrgan,” (to strangle). It conveys the way wolves attack sheep; grasping by the throat and biting/shaking until dead.
Graphic. but…
That’s the image you should have when you worry except, you’re doing it to yourself.
Matt. 6 says God knows what you need and He will supply it. Worry is the opposite of trust. Phil. 4:6-7 says make your requests known to God and then have peace. He can handle it. He cares for us (1 Peter 5:7).
God wants us to live with confidence.
He wants fighters not fretters.
Are you a worrier or a WARRIOR?
I will pray for you on this, will you pray for me?
God bless!
#prayerwarrior #ThankYouJesusFor


One of my favorite accounts in the Old Testament pertains to Gehazi. Who in the world is Gehazi?!
Let me set the scene: 2 Kings 6, The Syrians had put a hit out on Elisha. Their army ambushed him and his servant, Gehazi. Understandably Gehazi was freaking out. Elisha prayed for Gehazi’s eyes to be opened. He immediately saw the mountain full of angels on fiery chariots ready to do battle on Elisha’s behalf.
I truly believe that is how it is today. We feel we are alone in a battle against a whole army. When in actuality, we have a heavenly host at our ready. Make no mistake, there is a spiritual battle constantly raging all around us. The only question is: Do you have the spirit of Gehazi or Elisha?
I pray that your eyes are open today!
God bless!
#openyoureyes #angelarmies

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Be Alert

Make no mistake, the devil is out there. 1 Peter 5:8 warns us to be alert. He roams the earth like a roaring lion looking for people to devour. He cannot rest. He is constantly, relentlessly seeking to destroy you.

The roar of a lion is meant to do one thing: strike fear. Lions can literally scare some animals to death with just that terrible roar. However, the devil's power only exists for the unbeliever, he cannot harm anyone born of God (1 John 5:18). So the next time he rears up, imagine him with no teeth and nothing but gums. See? All roar, no bite.

*thanks to my Pastor, Rev. Dr. David Cyphers
#SpiritFilledLife #JesusSaves

Monday, December 9, 2013

Fill Your Ears

What are you listening to? Is it Country? Rap? Zydeco? Well, whichever genre it is, (I believe you said Zydeco), ask yourself this: what are they singing about?

I would say that 80% of all songs are about love. That's understandable. It'srelatable. People are always going to be falling in and out of love. As Neil says, "Love on the rocks, ain't no big surprise."

5% is about stuff; cars, money, and bling. We love our stuff and even write songs about how much of it we have collected. "It's all about the Benjamins" Right?

5% is about self; Look how cool I am! Those of the dreaded "I'm Too Sexy" variety.

That leaves 5% to sing about... who knows what?! I have no idea what these songs are even about. Dire Straits won a Grammy in '85 for "Money for Nothing," and I'm telling you its about someone who works at MTV, installs things, and has conversations with no one in particular. Sounds like real life, but sing a song about it? "I love that song!" "Me too, but what do any of those lyrics actually mean?" "Beats me. But I like it!"

Granted, I have no references for those numbers. Its just my personal opinion from a lifetime of being (what I would call) "more than a casual listener."

We listen to music because it makes us feel something. We like the beat. It gets our blood flowing. We connect with the songwriting. Man, some songs even get stuck in our heads!

So, if we are constantly filling our ears with something, shouldn't that something be about how much we love God? Shouldn't it be about how thankful we are that He sent His only Son? Shouldn't it be Praise?!

If you are a serious Christ Follower and you are not listening to Christian music, then you are really missing out. It's like adding a whole new dimension to your worship! Want to Practice the Presence of God? Listen to Christian music. It will help you stay focused throughout the day.

If you are listening to music that isn't about Praising God, then you are wasting your time. It might be fun. It might be catchy. But ultimately it does nothing. Our main purpose on this planet is to Praise God. Why would you fill your ears with anything but Praise music?

God Bless!
#PraiseMusic #ChristianMusic

Name Above All Names

There have been many great names throughout history. Ask 10 people who they would say were great and you’ll probably get 10 different names. Different names are important to different people. We all have our heroes. We all have names of folks who really inspired us or made a difference.
For instance, I would say: da Vincivan Gogh and of course, Picasso.
My wife would say: NewtonAristotle and Pythagoras.
As great as those names are, none have even an ounce of power.
Only one name has power.
Only one name has real authority.
Only one name IN ALL OF HISTORY is above all names.
Only one name is The Way, The Truth, and The Life (John 14:6).
Jesus is the only name you need to know. Wrapped up in 5 letters comes all strength and all salvation (Acts 4:12).
Einstein was genius, but speaking his name will not heal you.
Michelangelo was brilliant, but praying to his name could never save you.
7eventh Time Down puts it perfectly: “Just Say Jesus!
God bless!
#JesusReigns #MySaviour #JustSayJesus

Hurled Into The Sea

I was talking with my mother-in-law today about the "Your Red Sea" blog and she brought up an interesting point. The blog positioned that the Red Sea could represent your problems and that by relying on God, your problems could be solved in a way that you couldn't even imagine. She said not only that, but the Red Sea then destroyed the Israelites' enemies. In essence, what was once an obstacle became a tool for deliverance!

Not only did God create a door for the Israelites to escape, but He also used that door to vanquish their foes.

With God, the thing that would destroy a person can be transformed into the thing that destroys the person's problems.

My wife mentioned that most of us today don't have what we would call "foes" or "enemies." We don't have a Dr. Moriarty walking around plotting our demise... unless you count the enemy of us all: that old serpent. But, we do have abstract enemies like fear, hate, and worry.

If a person is up against their Red Sea, then they have two options:

1. Rely on themselves and... risk drowning, or go broke buying boats, or weary themselves by traveling all away around...


2. Rely on God, calmly walk across dry land to the other shore, and then watch as the waters crash down and hurl your foes into the sea.

* I'm thankful to have such strong Christian women in my life!

God Bless!
#AwesomeGod #GodDelivers

K-LOVE - Crowder "Go Tell It On The Mountain" LIVE #crowder #BeardyChristmas

Saturday, December 7, 2013

Your Red Sea

When the Israelites were fleeing Egypt, they came up on the Red Sea. They thought, "We're doomed!" Who wouldn't? "Uh-oh, dead end. We're finished." Right?

Maybe for man. Not for God. God will find a way man could never even imagine.

You know what He did: God parted the waters!

I mean, that's not even an option! Here are some logical HUMAN options:

Go around. Find a boat? Swim through. HIDE?!

That's the thing: humans rely on their limited logic. With God, all things are possible! Our tiny peanut brains can't even comprehend  it!

God could've done - Any. Thing. Splitting the sea was just one of an infinite number of options for The Creator of the universe. There was no door, so God made one!

So when you are facing your Red Sea and you think your back is against the wall - look to God. He will have a solution you could never come up with yourself. God will create a door for you! He will part those waters like they were nothing... because with God on our side, our problems are nothing.

God Bless!

#relyonGod #Deliverer

Friday, December 6, 2013

Switched On

Following Jesus will change things. It will change everything actually. Your life will transform from night to day. Jesus will disrupt your thinking, your views and your attitude. If there is no change, if there is no illumination - you have not let Him in. You have not fully committed.
I described to Brittany how it's like a light switch being turned on that cannot be turned off again. And really, why would you want to? Why would anyone go back to the shadows? No! What you do is, you get closer to the light. You try to make the light as big as possible. You want to tell everyone about the light! You want everyone that's bumping around in the dark to flip that switch too!
I envision people with their eyes vehemently shut... almost spitefully so. There's nothing covering their eyes. They are not blind. They are not even blindfolded. They cannot see because they are purposely shutting their own eyes!
"I got it, I got it. I can see just fine like this. Leave me alone!"
"Ah! OPEN YOUR EYES, MAN! You're about to walk straight over a cliff! Let me help you!"
"Listen crazy-pants, I don't need your help! Who are YOU to help ME? There is no such thing as light! There is no such thing as cliffs either!"
By the way, I'm aware of the double meaning of "switched on" as meaning "alert" and also "in love" because both apply. Following Jesus is being alert and it is being in love.
Commit to following Jesus today. Allow him to change your life. Walk in the light, man. Darkness is for chumps.
God Bless!
#switchedon #lamptomyfeet #lightformypath #understanding

Wednesday, December 4, 2013


Compromise is a good thing, right? Compromise solves problems. Compromise allows both sides to have a little victory. In marriage, compromise is must. Brittany and I have learned how to resolve many issues using compromise. In politics, compromise is a vital tool to obtain diplomacy.
This may seem like common sense but, when it comes to our faith, compromise is not an option. The Bible is the authority, not my thoughts on it or your thoughts on it or anybody's thoughts on it for that matter.
2 Tim. 3:16 says All Scripture is God-breathed. God-breathed beats man-breathed. Every single time. Period. End of story. Want to argue that point? You're argument is already invalid. You want to argue the God-breathed part? Good luck, son. You on your own. Proverbs 9:10 says that the fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom. Second-guessing God-breathed Scripture doesn't sound like fearing the LORD to me.
Secularists want us to compromise. The world wants us to bend a little here and tweak a little there. You know, no big deal. "God didn't mean stuff literally. You know that, right? It's the 21st century, you seriously believe in Creation? The Flood? The Virgin birth?"
Yes. If it's in the Scripture, then yes. No compromise. No apologies. I am not ashamed of the gospel because it is the power of God! Romans 1:16
Compromising to the world says man has some better ideas than God. Compromising to the world says man is smarter than God on certain things. (Wow, that was actually difficult just to type).
If the trumpet makes an uncertain sound, who will prepare for battle? I Cor. 14:8. Compromising takes a certain note and tweaks it. But the truth is, now that note is a different note. Make sure you know the right note so you can be ready with when you hear it!
One last thought: "Compromise" is "promise" with the prefix "com-" (which means "with," or "together.") Therefore, compromising takes God's promise and joins it together with man's changes. Yeah, no thanks.
God Bless!
#Compromise #NotAshamed #Truth

Tuesday, December 3, 2013


Oswald Chambers* moved me today in my daily devotional. He was speaking to Christians about their witness.
What do I mean by "witness?" The way you present Jesus and his resurrection to others is your witness to them (Acts 1:22). But it's also the way you present yourself! You can either be a good witness for Christ and help the Holy Spirit's work in their life or you can be a bad witness for Christ and hinder the Holy Spirit's work in their life.
Saint Francis of Assisi is attributed with saying: "Preach the Gospel, and if necessary, use words." We represent Christ here on earth. We are the Lord's first line of defense and many times we fail Him. We mis-represent Him. We cause more harm than good.
For example, when missionary Stanley Jones met with Gandhi, he asked him though he quoted the words of Christ often, why he rejected becoming a follower. The Mahatma said, "Oh, I don't reject Christ. I love Christ. It's just that so many of you Christians are so unlike Christ."** The Christians Gandhi met were poor witnesses.
Oswald Chambers suggests this verse: "My speech and my preaching were not with persuasive words of human wisdom, but in demonstration of the Spirit and of power" - I Cor. 2:4
To help strengthen your witness you must surrender to this fact: It is the Holy Spirit that can accomplishes the miracle, not mine or your's or anyone else's words. Remove yourself from the equation and rely on the power of the Holy Spirit. "He will create His own life in people."* If anything, you and I just mess things up by getting in the way. Get out of the way and let God work! Once you are rooted in that reality, you cannot be shaken. Base your faith on that!
Emotions change. Human experiences change. God does not change. Root yourself in our unmovable God and your faith will be secure. This will help you be more like Christ. Once you are more Christ-like, the Holy Spirit can use you. Only then will your witness do any good. Only then will your witness have any power.
God Bless!
* "My Utmost For His Highest" Dec. 3rd. • www.utmost.org
** "The Christ of the Indian Road." E. Stanley Jones