Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Victorious Limp

Are you wrestling with God over something? Who isn't, right? Did you know that someone actually did wrestle with God? And I don't mean "wrestle" metaphorically either. I'm talking literally. God wrestled Jacob in a straight-up, hand-to-hand wrestling match. The first-ever Smack Down occurred in Genesis 32:24-32.
In fact, God wrestled Jacob all night. They wrestled until daybreak and when God saw that He had not prevailed against Jacob, He touched Jacob's thigh and dislocated it. Just a touch. That's all it took. This showed that obviously God could've won at any moment. As dawn was breaking, God said, "Let Me go." No one can see God's face and live. But Jacob replied, "No. Not until You bless me." Ha! Imagine that! The gumption of this guy! God then (I envision with a smile on His face) changes Jacob's name to "Israel" which means, "he who wrestles/strives with God."
Why did God do that? If He wanted to challenge Jacob, He could've picked any kind of contest: a race, a riddle, or tic-tac-toe. Why wrestling? Well, any of those other contests are not interactive. They keep contestants separate. Wrestling is more intimate. God picked an activity that involved actual physical contact.
I'm not sure, but I figure Jacob had that limp for the rest of his days. I also imagine that he limped proudly. It became his badge of courage, his price for a blessing, and his evidence of a God that loves him.
We all wrestle with God, maybe not physically like Jacob here, but spiritually? You bet. All the time. It's the "old man" in us rising up. It's the rebellious tickle in our ear. Envy. Pride. Gluttony. Pick one. But here's the thing, God will wrestle you right back. He will step into the ring. He wants to bless you.
Wrestling with God, however, does come with a price. You may carry a limp for the rest of your days. But you won't view that hurt as loss. You will view that hurt as victory. You will want to tell everyone about your limp and what it means to you. You will want to tell everyone how much God loves you and how much God loves them.
God bless!
This post owes a lot to Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones's "Victorious Limp" via Tim Keller's "The Theology of the Cross and Walking with a Limp," I encourage everyone to check out these incredible links!

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