Wednesday, December 4, 2013


Compromise is a good thing, right? Compromise solves problems. Compromise allows both sides to have a little victory. In marriage, compromise is must. Brittany and I have learned how to resolve many issues using compromise. In politics, compromise is a vital tool to obtain diplomacy.
This may seem like common sense but, when it comes to our faith, compromise is not an option. The Bible is the authority, not my thoughts on it or your thoughts on it or anybody's thoughts on it for that matter.
2 Tim. 3:16 says All Scripture is God-breathed. God-breathed beats man-breathed. Every single time. Period. End of story. Want to argue that point? You're argument is already invalid. You want to argue the God-breathed part? Good luck, son. You on your own. Proverbs 9:10 says that the fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom. Second-guessing God-breathed Scripture doesn't sound like fearing the LORD to me.
Secularists want us to compromise. The world wants us to bend a little here and tweak a little there. You know, no big deal. "God didn't mean stuff literally. You know that, right? It's the 21st century, you seriously believe in Creation? The Flood? The Virgin birth?"
Yes. If it's in the Scripture, then yes. No compromise. No apologies. I am not ashamed of the gospel because it is the power of God! Romans 1:16
Compromising to the world says man has some better ideas than God. Compromising to the world says man is smarter than God on certain things. (Wow, that was actually difficult just to type).
If the trumpet makes an uncertain sound, who will prepare for battle? I Cor. 14:8. Compromising takes a certain note and tweaks it. But the truth is, now that note is a different note. Make sure you know the right note so you can be ready with when you hear it!
One last thought: "Compromise" is "promise" with the prefix "com-" (which means "with," or "together.") Therefore, compromising takes God's promise and joins it together with man's changes. Yeah, no thanks.
God Bless!
#Compromise #NotAshamed #Truth

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