Friday, December 27, 2013

Let Go and Let God

Well, I've done everything I can do. Nothing left for me to do but pray, I guess.
Ever hear that? Ever say that? To be honest, I have. I've thought and/or said that very same thing myself many times.
Psalms 55:22 says "Cast your cares on the LORD and He will sustain you; He will never let the righteous be shaken."
My wife said something the other day that really struck a chord with me, "Let Go and Let God!" How simple. How true.
But, how difficult!
Let Go
Let GOD!
Give God the reigns of your life. He is a much better driver anyways. Letting go is hard for us humans, isn't it? We have to be in control of everything. It's almost as if we're admitting defeat if we let someone else take over. If someone is more qualified, then why not? And if anyone is more qualified, it's the LORD. Why is this such a struggle?! It's OK to let God in. It's OK to let Him be the deciding factor.
Allowing God full access to your life doesn't mean you will be without hardship. In fact, we are almost guaranteed it. The more the world senses you are a Child of The King, the more it will hate you. The more it will sniff you out. The more it will try to crush you. "If the world hates you, keep in mind that it hated me first." John 15:18. "You will be hated because of me" Matt. 10:22. So, be ready.
Think of it this way, Jesus was the first to say Let go and let God! He prayed the hardest prayer: "Father, if You are willing, take this cup from Me; yet not My will, but Yours be done." Luke 22:42
Submission to the Father is scary but it's the only thing that leads to ultimate peace and joy. John 16:33 says it all. Look it up. Memorize it. Live it.
Let go and let God! God Bless!
#LetGoAndLetGod #YHWH

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