Friday, December 20, 2013

Continuing Debt To Love

Love is a debt. Wait, I owe you love?!
Paul tells us in Romans 13:8 that we have an outstanding “debt” to love one another. I’m not indebted to love you, am I? One loves because one loves, right?
Is Paul being unreasonable?
Like everything else in scripture, look to Christ. Whenever in doubt, the answer is Jesus. Always.
Our Savior lavished us with such a gushing, pouring, drenching, and FLOODING love that it could never possibly be duplicated. It could never possibly be repaid. In fact, the only way to even scratch the surface of His tremendous love is to look out for one another. That’s it.
We are not instructed to do some incredible feat. We are just asked to show simple kindness to people who are in the same boat as ourselves. We are commanded to show our fellow man just an inkling of the likeness of Jesus. Our job as Christians is to point people to Christ. Then the Holy Spirit steps in. That's it.
If Jesus felt it important enough to give his life for others, the least we can do is honor that great sacrifice by showing others that we care for them.
In this, we remind people. We remind them that Jesus lives, that He loves them, and that He loves us. How could He not? After all, He is love.
Thank you, Jesus for showing us what love is and how to love!
So, yes - I owe you love. You owe me love. We owe love to each other. It's a debt neither one of us can repay. We are always in hock.
I love you. Put it on my tab.
God bless!
#Love #LoveOneAnother #DebtToLove

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