Monday, December 9, 2013

Hurled Into The Sea

I was talking with my mother-in-law today about the "Your Red Sea" blog and she brought up an interesting point. The blog positioned that the Red Sea could represent your problems and that by relying on God, your problems could be solved in a way that you couldn't even imagine. She said not only that, but the Red Sea then destroyed the Israelites' enemies. In essence, what was once an obstacle became a tool for deliverance!

Not only did God create a door for the Israelites to escape, but He also used that door to vanquish their foes.

With God, the thing that would destroy a person can be transformed into the thing that destroys the person's problems.

My wife mentioned that most of us today don't have what we would call "foes" or "enemies." We don't have a Dr. Moriarty walking around plotting our demise... unless you count the enemy of us all: that old serpent. But, we do have abstract enemies like fear, hate, and worry.

If a person is up against their Red Sea, then they have two options:

1. Rely on themselves and... risk drowning, or go broke buying boats, or weary themselves by traveling all away around...


2. Rely on God, calmly walk across dry land to the other shore, and then watch as the waters crash down and hurl your foes into the sea.

* I'm thankful to have such strong Christian women in my life!

God Bless!
#AwesomeGod #GodDelivers

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