Wednesday, December 11, 2013

worrier vs. WARRIOR

We inherited the word “worry” from the Old English, “wyrgan,” (to strangle). It conveys the way wolves attack sheep; grasping by the throat and biting/shaking until dead.
Graphic. but…
That’s the image you should have when you worry except, you’re doing it to yourself.
Matt. 6 says God knows what you need and He will supply it. Worry is the opposite of trust. Phil. 4:6-7 says make your requests known to God and then have peace. He can handle it. He cares for us (1 Peter 5:7).
God wants us to live with confidence.
He wants fighters not fretters.
Are you a worrier or a WARRIOR?
I will pray for you on this, will you pray for me?
God bless!
#prayerwarrior #ThankYouJesusFor

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