Monday, December 23, 2013

2 Minute Dynamite

Can you spare 2 minutes? Who doesn't have 2 measly minutes?
That's all it takes to read Romans 12. And let me tell you: this chapter is straight up dynamite! Every single line is perfect for meditation. Some highlights:
• Appropriately, it starts out with a fuse: Present your bodies as a living & holy sacrifice (Let that one burn. You could contemplate on that all day!)
• Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by renewing your mind!
• Don’t think too highly of yourself.
• We are parts of the same body and as such have different roles.
• Hate what is evil / Cling to what is good.
• Be devoted to each other.
• If someone comes after you, bless them!
• Try your best to be at peace with all men.
• Leave room for God’s wrath to clean up the trash.
So, do your soul a favor and take 2 tiny minutes to dive into this explosive chapter! I hope that you do. Here, I'll even make it easy for you:
Arm yourselves with the God's Word. This TNT could be your weapon in the spiritual war raging all around you today!

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