Friday, December 6, 2013

Switched On

Following Jesus will change things. It will change everything actually. Your life will transform from night to day. Jesus will disrupt your thinking, your views and your attitude. If there is no change, if there is no illumination - you have not let Him in. You have not fully committed.
I described to Brittany how it's like a light switch being turned on that cannot be turned off again. And really, why would you want to? Why would anyone go back to the shadows? No! What you do is, you get closer to the light. You try to make the light as big as possible. You want to tell everyone about the light! You want everyone that's bumping around in the dark to flip that switch too!
I envision people with their eyes vehemently shut... almost spitefully so. There's nothing covering their eyes. They are not blind. They are not even blindfolded. They cannot see because they are purposely shutting their own eyes!
"I got it, I got it. I can see just fine like this. Leave me alone!"
"Ah! OPEN YOUR EYES, MAN! You're about to walk straight over a cliff! Let me help you!"
"Listen crazy-pants, I don't need your help! Who are YOU to help ME? There is no such thing as light! There is no such thing as cliffs either!"
By the way, I'm aware of the double meaning of "switched on" as meaning "alert" and also "in love" because both apply. Following Jesus is being alert and it is being in love.
Commit to following Jesus today. Allow him to change your life. Walk in the light, man. Darkness is for chumps.
God Bless!
#switchedon #lamptomyfeet #lightformypath #understanding

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