Thursday, December 19, 2013

The LORD Will Fight

I get tired.
Far too often the struggle gets the best of me.
I'm so human and humans are weak and flawed. However, there is someone we can turn to who is not weak and who is not flawed. Exodus 14:14 tells us that the "LORD" will fight for us. When you see the Lord written in all caps like that, it means YHWH; the one true Creator God. It's refering to the God through which all things are. (Thanks to Rev. Dr. David Cyphers for that explanation.)
If the Author of the Universe will fight for us, let's let him. God has never, nor never will fail and He won't fail you.
God Bless!
#YHWH #AuthorofSalvation #GodMyRock #GodMyStrength #GodMyShield

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