Tuesday, December 31, 2013

The LORD Sits

For our honeymoon my wife and I were blessed with a trip to Paris. While we were there, we visited the Palace of Versailles. Once the center of political power, Versailles is now France’s foremost tourist attraction. Besides it’s sheer grandeur, one thing stuck with me about that palace: the thrones.
It is there that I learned what a throne represents. I mean, of course I knew that a throne represented power. It is obvious that to have people come to you is a demonstration of power. But, it is absolute power to have people come to you as you remain seated.
Ever thought of that before?
The Throne of God is mentioned several times throughout scripture. I won’t bombard you with all of them. Most famously it is described by Ezekiel (chapter 1). I’d like to mention also that the angel Gabriel refers to the Throne of God in Luke 1:32-33 because… he should know, he’s been there. He’s actually seen it!
God is mentioned as “sitting” multiple times as well.
• “The LORD sits enthroned over the flood; the LORD is enthroned as King forever.” – Psalms 29:10
• “He that sits in the heavens laughs” (at the futile efforts of man’s rebellion) – Psalms 2:4
• “Who is like the LORD our God, the One who sits enthroned on high?” – Psalms 113:5
Sitting on His Throne, God is The Absolute Power. He is the Power of the Power. There is none above and all below. Yet, He makes Himself low to guide and love His fragile creation.
In your quiet time with the LORD today, reflect on our God’s astounding ability to speak stars into being and also whisper encouragement to His children all in the same all-powerful breath. He does so with perfect love from His magnificent Throne.
God Bless!

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