Thursday, December 12, 2013

How to not be disappointed

How to not be disappointed:
In Romans 9:33, Paul says there will be a rock that will trip some people. However, people who believe in that same rock will not be disappointed. The rock here is obviously Jesus.
I found it strange to think of Jesus as something negative: a stumbling block? Offensive? I don’t think so! Jesus is my Cornerstone! He is my Foundation! He helps me stand up! He does not cause me to fall down. However, it is all contigent on my hope in Him, on my belief in Him, and my love of Him.
Those who do not believe in Jesus will trip over him. Then it is negative. They will be offended by him.
Have you ever been in a conversation that was going just fine and then you mention Jesus, or God,… or heaven forbid: the Holy Spirit? That will put the brakes on any conversation quick and in a hurry. Suddenly it becomes awkward. The air is let out and people get claustrophobic. People get uncomfortable. Why is that? We can talk about everything under the sun, except The Son. Non-Christians don’t mind talking to Christians about non-Christians things. So why do Christians tiptoe around non-Christians?
Anyone who puts their faith in the Rock of Zion will “not be disappointed.” They will not be let down, wahsed out or discouraged. Instead, they will be vindicated. They will be comforted, blessed, and delighted. Paul was quoting Isaiah. Now there’s a man who knew a thing or two about society’s trepidation regarding Jesus! I’m sure he had numerous conversations that went sour. I’m sure he was on the business end of many eye rolls and people nervously staring at their sandals.
I’m also 100% sure that he was not in the least bit disappointed about any of it.
God bless.
#stumblingblock #believe #therock #Jesus #firmfoundation

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