Monday, December 9, 2013

Name Above All Names

There have been many great names throughout history. Ask 10 people who they would say were great and you’ll probably get 10 different names. Different names are important to different people. We all have our heroes. We all have names of folks who really inspired us or made a difference.
For instance, I would say: da Vincivan Gogh and of course, Picasso.
My wife would say: NewtonAristotle and Pythagoras.
As great as those names are, none have even an ounce of power.
Only one name has power.
Only one name has real authority.
Only one name IN ALL OF HISTORY is above all names.
Only one name is The Way, The Truth, and The Life (John 14:6).
Jesus is the only name you need to know. Wrapped up in 5 letters comes all strength and all salvation (Acts 4:12).
Einstein was genius, but speaking his name will not heal you.
Michelangelo was brilliant, but praying to his name could never save you.
7eventh Time Down puts it perfectly: “Just Say Jesus!
God bless!
#JesusReigns #MySaviour #JustSayJesus

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